Friday, July 19, 2013


           “So what do you mean we are halfway into Yggdasil? I thought that was a tree.” Ben asked. “And what the heck is a Lif?”

               Mark turned to stare at his brother. Holly looking at him from the other side with a look of sheer disbelief on her face that Mark was sure mirrored his own.

                “What!?” Ben asked staring hard at both of them.

               “Really Ben out of all the times to ask questions, you chose to ask when a giant monster, dragon, dinosaur is going to eat us.” Holley hissed.

               “Hôniôn.”  Wolfics gravelly voice whispered. “It’s called a Hôniôn. Lucky for us it’s not as smart as the other things you mentioned. Unlucky at the same time, beast just likes to go after everything.” All three siblings turned their attention to Wolfric who gazed steadily outside the tent. The Loud footfalls of the monster could still be heard accompanied by the occasional loud screechy scream of a roar.
              “Lif, that’s what you three are if your mortal, still not convinced of that though.” Wolfric continued. “Lif can transverse the branches of yggdasil and therefor step into the other realms.”

               “But how can you do that?” Holly asked. “You make it sound like it’s an actual tree.”

                “Bloody ashes, Younglings. It could be a tree, it could not. If you want a better answer you’re going to have to ask a scholar not me. I work with things of the earth. I leave the philosophy and books to alfar, or svartalfar.”

               “But… how can we be in yggdrasil?” Mark asked still thoroughly confused.

            “Uhgg boy! You redheads just can’t stop asking questions can you. This is a branch of yggdrasil. More magic in the air. Those who can’t transverse realms are gone. It’s like a mirror you stepped through. For all I know you three dragged me her.” Wolfrics grip tightened on his spear until his knuckles went white. “We need to move, try to get back to the mortal realm. Now shut up and follow me.”

           Wolfric went to the edge of the tent flap and looked out, motioning to Mark, Ben and Holly to follow. Marked looked at his siblings shrugged his shoulders and followed the dwarf as quietly as he could outside the tent. Wolfric went slowly looking around the corners of the tents to make sure the way was clear before motioning the others to follow. Mark was surprised how easy it was to follow him in armor. Our maybe it was a testament to the dwarf’s skill.

           Suddenly the unmistakable beat of wings could be heard and a massive body of feathers flattened a tent up ahead of them. A head rose up from the mass of chestnut feathers revealing a sharp beak and round yellow eyes. A red flap of skin hung under its beak and another decorated the top of its head in a comb.

           “It’s a chicken!” Holly said incredulously.

           “Shhhhh, girl.” Wolfric said pulling her behind a tent with him. Ben and Mark quickly followed. Mark looked at Ben and they both shared wide eyed confusion. They were running away from a giant chicken. If the situation wasn’t so tense and serious Mark would have laughed.

            “Well it looks like you’re in luck younglings.”Wolfric said grimacing. “I don’t think she saw you.” Just then the gigantic chicken let out a piercing roar. Mark could make out a smell along with it. Almost as if all the chicken farms had been thrown together. Mark tried to grab his nose but his hand rebounded off the helm Wolfric had given to him.

           “That smell is rank.” Ben said his face contorted.

            “Well boy get over it quick because that Hôniôn won’t wait for you.” Wolfric growled. “What am I saying you three don’t stand a chance.” Shaking his head he looked over the siblings. “By Oden’s eye. Urrr I’ll keep the beasty distracted you three find a way back, you here.”

            With that the dwarf ran out screaming and heading right for the gigantic monster. When he got near he slowed planted his foot and threw his spear at its head. Mark watched disbelievingly as the chicken cocked its head to the side and the spear flew harmlessly past. Undeterred Wolfric drew his sword and started to edge nearer the beast. The chicken took two step slowly forward cocked its head to the side again and then faster than Mark thought it could took two more steps and struck at the dwarf with its beak. Wolfric raised his shield to meet the oncoming thrust. The beak pierced the shield and stopped. The monster lifted its head bring the shield and Wolfric up with it. Wolfric brought his sword down in the birds beak. The edge slid in and stopped. This must have hurt the chicken or just made it mad. It started swinging hits head back and forth in violent motions. Eventually it was all too much and Wolfric was sent flying crashing into a tent.

            “I think we just lost our dwarf guys.” Ben whispered. 

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