Friday, June 28, 2013


Mark stepped of the Bus and looked across the fields at the fairground. It looked unreal almost as if everything had been set up for a photo. The tall trees boarding the field were just touched by autumn. Here and there a red maple leaf stirred in the light breeze  Slight fog covered the valley tents and pavilions rising out. The sun, barely sitting above the trees, gave off a soft bright light that bathed everything in a warm glow. It looked as if everything was ready for and just waiting for the click of the camera.

Mark turned to grin maniacally at his brother getting off the bus after him. Ben was just putting his phone back in his pocket muttering something about there not being any wifi before looking at his brothers smirking face.

“You do remember that I really wasn’t against coming on this field trip?” Ben said.

“Oh I know.” Mark said his grin starting to get wider. “I just can’t wait to see you try petting one of the animals”

“Hahaha, you would jerk!” Ben replied punching his brother in the arm.

It was hard to mistake Ben and Mark for being anything but brother’s .Being twin’s kind of has that effect. Being very similar in appearance they were very deferent from each other. Two sides of the same coin. Mark being slightly shorter but having more muscle was more of the jock type being most comfortable in the metal shop class. Ben, although very athletic, liked to mess around with circuit boards instead of hit things with a hammer. What they shared was bright red hair and blue eyes that let them stand out wherever they went.

“Besides.”  Ben continued. “I’m not the one who really wanted to see the animals.”

“Ya, where is….”

“Aren’t you guys sooo excited!” A moment later an arm was thrown around each brother’s neck and a slim girl with the same red hair as them only slightly brighter was swinging between them. Her feet dangling a few inches from the ground. “I can’t believe you guys came with me! This is going to be amazing!”

“Speak of the devil” Ben began as Mark said “Well it wasn’t that hard of a choice for me anyway. It was either this or cut open a frog for bio.”

“Ugg, you know I tried getting them to stop doing that. No one actually learns from cutting up those poor frogs. So in the end all you get is a bunch of dead frogs.”

“Ya we know Holly. Remember we’re the ones that helped you with your ‘save the frogs campaign’.”

“More like we were coerced into helping.” Ben added “She had me up all night helping her make that poster. Just because I know how to make a computer doesn’t mean I’m good with Photoshop.”

“What do you mean Ben, that poster was amazing. You know I couldn’t have done it without you guys. Well maybe I could have but it wouldn’t have been as fun or easy.”

“And in the end I still had to cut up a frog for biology” Mark said shaking his head.

“You just said you got out of that so stop being such a big baby about helping Mark.” Holly looked out over the Fairgrounds her green eyes seeming to sparkle in the morning light. “Oh, wow that is so pretty. Okay so we only have a couple of hours before we have to help volunteer so let’s use it.”

Twilight of the Gods, p.I

It sates itself on the life-blood
      of fated men,
      paints red the powers' homes
      with crimson gore. 
      Black become the sun's beams
      in the summers that follow,
      weathers are all treacherous. 

   Do you still seek to know? And what?

Three roosters signal the end, death-knells touching Asgard and echoing in the frosty halls of grim Hel. Their cry marked the breaking of every chain that kept the world of man safe, and every god in the North knew their doom was nigh. 

Garmr, the blood-stained hound of Hel that guarded the gates of the underworld, bayed and raged free, hunting the souls of the living. 

Fenrir the monstrous wolf, fed the hand of a god and bound with 6 impossible things, broke his chain and howled. His shoulders scraped against the lowest stars, and his eyes burned bright with fury at the ones who bound him.

Loki the Lie-smith was loosed as his son the Midgard Serpent thrashed the seas and slithered up the world tree. Laughing madly, his hair ablaze and his form flickering like fire from man to beast to giant, the Trickster followed. 

The giants and trolls of Jotunheim and the frost giants of Niflheim were roused to battle. Surtr the king of the fire giants in Muspelheim strode forward, burning brighter than the sun. The tormented hordes of the nine halls of Hel rose from the dead, and the world of men was consumed in blood and ice and fire.

In Asgard, Odin Allfather, the king of the gods, rode down to Mimir's Well. "My sons are in play, and the world-ash takes fire at the resounding of Gjallar. Loud blows Heimdall, his horn is raised; Odin seeks counsel with my head," murmured the bearded lips. Mimir, dead for centuries, whispered the secrets of the world as the waters of knowledge coursed through his dead tissues. "Then is fulfilled Hlin's second sorrow, when Odin goes to fight the wolf. Then shall Frigg's husband fall."

Odin hefted the dripping head from the well, looking into its eyes. "Yes uncle," he replied, sighing. "Not much longer and we both have our rest. But their is much yet I need to know."

At the well of Urd, Odin's wife Frigg consulted the Fates as well. The final preparations were made for war. The armies of the viking dead were called forth from golden halls. Mounts were girded, armor worn and weapons drawn. Thor kissed his wife and children, laughing joyfully for battle. Hermod dashed constantly from Vaniheim to Midgard to Asgard, sending messages and supplies along the line. The beautiful Valkyries on their great raven steeds circled above. Silent Vidar sat patiently, sharpening her spear and waiting. Then Heimdall, the guardian at the gates of Asgard, raised his horn and roused the heavens to war. 

Rather than wait for the Bifrost Bridge to be breached, the gods rode down to battle; Freya on her chariot drawn by cats, and Thor in his drawn by goats, Frey on his boar Gullinbursti, and Odin on the great eight-legged horse Sleipner. 

In the birthing halls, Alfrothul the goddess of the sun gave a last great cry as her daughter was born. "Name her Sol," she said, and then gasping, struggled up and onto her own chariot, flooding the world with light, joined at this eclipse of time by her brother Mani the god of the moon.

Down the rainbow bridge they all flew, down the trunk of the great world-tree Yggdrasil, down until they reached the rising tides of evil.